R package containing data sets for Passion Driven Statistics

Version 0.1.3

Alan T. Arnholt

PDS: Data sets for Passion Driven Statistics

Please report any bugs or suggestions at: https://github.com/alanarnholt/PDS/issues.


You may download the most recent version using the devtools function install_github() to install PDS in R.

However, you need to make sure you’re set up to develop packages. This is platform specific:

  • On Windows, download and install Rtools.
  • On the Mac, make sure you have Xcode installed.
  • On Linux, make sure you have the R-dev packages installed.

You can check everything is installed correctly with the has_devel() function from the devtools package. Type the following at the R prompt:

install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)    

If everything is installed correctly, the function will print some output and then return TRUE.

To install the PDS package, type the following at the R prompt:


If you want the vignette (not complete yet), type the following at the R prompt:

devtools::install_github('alanarnholt/PDS', build_vignettes = TRUE)

The code books for the data sets are in the CodeBooks folder of the installed package. To see where your system has installed the PDS package, type the following at the R prompt:

system.file(package = "PDS")