The Cosmed is a portable metabolic system. A study at Appalachian State University compared the metabolic values obtained from the Cosmed to those of a reference unit (Amatek) over a range of workloads from easy to maximal to test the validity and reliability of the Cosmed. A small portion of the results for maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 in ml/kg/min) measurements taken at a 150 watt workload are stored in COSAMA.



A data frame with 14 observations on the following 3 variables:

  • cosmed (measured VO2 with Cosmed)

  • amatek (measured VO2 with Amatek)


Ugarte, M. D., Militino, A. F., and Arnholt, A. T. 2015. Probability and Statistics with R, Second Edition. Chapman & Hall / CRC.


# ggplot2 approach
ggplot(data = COSAMA, aes(factor(1), y = cosmed - amatek)) + geom_boxplot() + 
labs(x = "")

# Line Plots: First change data format from wide to long with melt() from reshape2
# library(reshape2)
# CA <- melt(COSAMA, id.vars = "subject", = "treatment", 
# value.count = "VO2")
# ggplot(data = CA, aes(x = subject, y = value, color = treatment)) + geom_line()
# rm(CA)
# Convert to long format with reshape()
CA <- reshape(COSAMA, varying = c("cosmed", "amatek"), v.names = "VO2", 
timevar = "treatment", idvar = "subject", direction = "long")
ggplot(data = CA, aes(x = subject, y = VO2, color = factor(treatment))) + geom_line() + 
labs(color = "Treatment") + scale_color_discrete(labels = c("Cosmed", "Amatek"))

# lattice approach
bwplot(~ (cosmed - amatek), data = COSAMA)