1 Showing Code Chunks1

```{r, label = "SETUP", echo = FALSE, results= 'hide', message = FALSE, warning = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 5, fig.width = 5, 
                      prompt = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, tidy = FALSE, warning = FALSE, 
                      message = FALSE)

1.1 Subsection (Second level header)2

> set.seed(123)
> junk <- rnorm(10000, 100, 10)
> hist(junk, col = "lightblue", breaks = "scott", main = "", xlab = "")
Histogram of randomly generated data

Figure 1.1: Histogram of randomly generated data

Look at Figure 1.1 which has a mean of 99.976283 and a standard deviation of 9.9863663.3

To include literal backticks, use more backticks outside, e.g., you can use two backticks to preserve one backtick inside: `` `code` ``.4

When in doubt, read bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown!

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  1. This is a footnote for Section 1

  2. See the RStudio Cheatsheet

  3. The mean and standard deviation of junk are computed using inline R code.

  4. The inline R code to compute the mean and standard deviation of junk are written `r mean(junk)`, and `r sd(junk)`.