Version 1.2.2

Downloads from the RStudio CRAN mirror

CRAN version

Alan T. Arnholt

BSDA: Functions and data sets for the text Basic Statistics and Data Analysis

Please report any bugs or suggestions at:


The stable version of the package is available for download from CRAN_Status_Badge.

You may install the most recent development version of BSDA using the devtools function install_github().

However, you need to make sure you’re set up to develop packages. This is platform specific:

  • On Windows, download and install Rtools.
  • On the Mac, make sure you have Xcode installed.
  • On Linux, make sure you have the R-dev packages installed.

You can check everything is installed correctly with the has_devel() function from the devtools package. Type the following at the R prompt:

install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)    

If everything is installed correctly, the function will print some output and then return TRUE.

To install the BSDA package, type the following at the R prompt:


It is possible to install BSDA with GIT and the R CMD build assuming you have GIT installed and the appropriate tools to build R from source.

git clone
R CMD build BSDA