Data used in Exercise 8.57
A data frame with 400 observations on the following 2 variables.
a factor with levels boy
and girl
a factor with levels aboveavg
, average
, belowavg
, and superior
Kitchens, L. J. (2003) Basic Statistics and Data Analysis. Duxbury
T1 <- xtabs(~Gender + Skill, data = Ability) T1#> Skill #> Gender aboveavg average belowavg hopeless superior #> boy 42 61 43 35 19 #> girl 21 54 61 56 8chisq.test(T1)#> #> Pearson's Chi-squared test #> #> data: T1 #> X-squared = 19.869, df = 4, p-value = 0.00053 #>